About image
A magically themed server that introduces the magic in a subtle yet beautiful environment - The server uses Alternate terrain generator and streams to produce a realistic and stunning landscape, Thaumcraft, Ar's magicka, Witchery, Electrobob's wizardry and Botania form the main magical components of the modpack. As such there's a vast number of bosses, dungeons and weaponry to defeat, Explore and acquire. Learn the secrets of reincarnation, Create a pocket of reality with magic, Discover the origins of magic. Or lead a simple life, trade with the NPC's, Grow your own foods, build a city.

With little technology (immersive engineering) this pack is lightweight to run and server friendly and aims not to have one overpowered mod that overshadows the others, Leaving players free to decide upon their own path instead of rushing down one specific mod for nigh on immortality.